3 Easy Ways to Increase Energy-Efficiency at Your Multi-Family Property
The push to create a more sustainable, eco-friendly, and energy-efficient society has ramped up over the course of a few short years. While many of the upgrades needed to adopt a greener lifestyle are easily accessible, the multi-family property industry faces...

Innovative Ways to Find Multi-Family Properties
A great deal on a multi-family property doesn’t just fall into your lap. It is also fairly impossible to take a one and done approach and come away with a bargain or valuable property. In reality, finding a great property takes a ton of time and effort, as well as...

Apartment Decorating Hacks
Apartment living has the drawback of dwelling in a place someone else owns; this means that renters are limited in what they can do to personalize the space and make it their own. Fortunately, there are a handful of hacks that can enliven the dull white or off-white...

Top Cities for Multi-Family Real Estate Investing
Multifamily properties are the current trend in property investment. With demand for these properties of the substantial rise, real estate investors should think of making a rash to invest as returns are guaranteed. Investors, however, should exercise due diligence of...

Multi-Family Property Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
Multi-family properties and office parks are two major steps forward in real estate investment. Multiple incomes entering one property with one set of maintenance needs is a big cost with a tempting payoff. There are a few mistakes to avoid, since multi-family homes...

How to Raise Money to Invest in Multi-Family Properties
Many real estate investors buy multifamily properties to diversify their portfolios and generate passive incomes. However, many new investors often stay away from these properties because of a lack of capital. Investors who are low on funds often think the price tag...

Why Investing in Multi-Family Properties is Better Than Buying a Home
Part of the American dream that's been sold for generations is the idea of owning a home. Many personal finance gurus recommend buying a home as a way to build wealth. That advice won't always work out. There were plenty of people during the Great Recession who found...

Preparing for Gen Z in the Multi-Family Housing Industry
The time has come for Generation Z to enter the world of apartment living, and they want something different than their millennial predecessors. Gen-Z applies to individuals born between 1995-2012. These individuals seek similar housing to what they enjoyed during...

The Features Tenants Want in Multi-Family Properties
One of the most critical aspects of rental property investment is ensuring that your properties are always filled. Every day that a rental property sits empty is a day it is not earning income, but it is still generating expenses. One of the best ways to ensure...

Why Multi-Family Property Investing is Hotter than the Stock Market
Passive investors often debate about whether real estate or the stock market is the best place to grow their money. While there is no easy answer to this question, one thing is for sure. The multi-family property investment market is on fire. And investors should...